
The Olympic Phryge is shaped like and made to look like a Phrygian cap. In Paris 2024’s aspiration of showing that sports can be life changing, the mascots will spearhead sport revolution. The Olympic Phryge wears blue, white and red which are the colors of France’s famous tricolor flag with its chest bearing Paris 2024 logo in golden.


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The Phrygian caps on which the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic mascots are based have been a symbol of freedom throughout French history. They are a common reference for French people, including in the world of art (as metaphor for freedom) and as a symbol of the Republic in French institutions. Phrygian hats can be seen sitting atop Marianne’s head wherever there is a mairie in France and they also feature on such everyday items as coins or stamps. Furthermore, they were an international symbol of liberty worn by freed slaves during Roman times; although they appeared on various emblems in North and South America. Also called as liberty cap, the Phrygian cap has turned into one of the symbols of French Republic.

The motto for both Olympic Phryge and Paralympic Phryge is- “Alone we go faster but together we go further”, this shows how each other make them better by working side by side, just like mascots do with people all over the globe.