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Terms & Conditons

 Welcome to Global Sportsverse

These Terms & Conditions ("Terms") set the rules for using our website 

1. Using the Site:

  • This site is for fun and info, not professional advice.
  • Be nice, follow the law, and don't mess with the site.
  • No stealing content - respect copyrights!

2. User Content:

  • You're responsible for what you post.
  • Make sure you have permission to share anything you submit.

3. Stuff We Own:

  • The content on this site (text, pictures, etc.) belongs to us or our partners (copyright and such). Don't copy it without permission.

4. Disclaimers:

  • We try our best, but information might not always be perfect.
  • We're not liable for any mistakes or how you use the info.

5. Limitations:

  • We can't be held responsible for any damages related to using the site.

6. Termination:

  • We can stop you from using the site anytime, for any reason.

7. Governing Law:

  • These Terms follow the laws of India

8. Entire Agreement:

  • This is the whole deal between you and us regarding the site.

9. Changes:

  • These Terms might change, so check back often.

10. Contact Us:

  • Got questions? Reach out at

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